Not all heroes wear suits of armor or capes. I wear jeans and t-shirts, and I hope to one day rescue you from bad design.

I make stuff. That is how it’s always been. Whether I’m sketching by hand or designing a website, I’m happiest when I’m making. I’m a maker. Maybe I can make something for you. 

I also like figuring stuff out, finding solutions, and doing things the right way. I’m not the cut-corners, let’s-just-wing-it type. I dig. I solve. I level up.

Those qualities have served me well over the past two decades. I’ve worked as a graphic designer, art director and creative director. Within these roles, I’ve also been a writer, illustrator, web developer, interior designer, project manager, trainer, consultant and more. Once, I even helped design a playground.

When I’m not making things — and figuring out better, more efficient, cooler ways to make things — I enjoy going on new adventures with my family as well as golfing, hiking and paddleboarding. I’m a fantasy/sci-fi fan who loves to read books and watch movies that often involve new worlds, fantastical characters, and I have been known to reread and rewatch my favorites over and over again.